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In 1892, the lithographer Johann Adolf Rohrer (1850 – 1918) began with the production of special graphic supplements in the city of Leipzig. His son Johann Adolf Rohrer junior (1880-1953) – a skilled lithographer himself – continued the manufacture of these special products and founded with his partner Felix Arthur Klingner in 1907 the cooperation that is still known under the name Rohrer & Klingner Leipzig-Co.
After the Second World War, the repatriate Johannes Rohrer (1916 – 1991) joined the firm to contribute both his chemical aptitude and his particular interest in arts. When he retired in 1981, he assigned management to his daughter Veronika Rohrer and his son-in-law Hubert Adamy.

Rohrer & Klingner continues its long tradition in producing inks with this assortment which also includes ferro-gallic inks.
In addition to the classic colors, there are now new color tones which were developed specifically with calligraphy in mind. Rohrer's writing inks are perfect for fountain pens and other writing utensils which are used in calligraphy.