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Ringraziamento a Robert Hellenga - The Italian Lover

Con queste poche righe, siamo a ringraziare pubblicamente il Professor Robert Hellenga, per averci menzionato sul suo libro " Italian Lover ".

ROBERT HELLENGA (Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1941 – Galesburg 2020), dopo gli studi alla University of Michigan e alla Princeton University, è stato professore emerito al Knox College di Galesburg, Illinois.
Oltre a saggi letterari e di viaggio pubblicati in varie sedi, è autore di una raccolta di racconti e sette romanzi, accolti da grande consenso di critica e di pubblico.

Riportiamo in lingua originale la parte dove siamo menzionati:
" Margot could see that Woody was having trouble writing.
" Let me see you pen", she said. She touched it lightly to the page sever times, making a series of dots. But some of the dots were missing. " It's skipping," she said. " You probably need to realign the nib. I can do it for you if you'd like."
"It's been driving me crazy. I've been meaning to take it to that pen place on Via Cavour"
"The Casa della Stilografica."
"That's the place"
"That place has been there for fifty years. I know Signor Sacchetti. His doughter more or less runs the place now. She was a year behind me at Liceo Morgagni. But I can fix it for you right now if you'd like"